jander  copyright
die website www.unwrapping-history.de bietet stadterkundungen - zu fuß oder mit dem bus - in berlin und potsdam. wenn sie mögen, fahren wir auch in jede andere stadt europas und erkunden ihre geschichte.

this web site www.unwrapping-history.com was designed by jennifer schulze and martin jander and is protected by copyright. this also applies to the photographs used. all the pictures were taken by yvonne de andres , martin jander or grit kümmele. should you be interested in constructing a similar web site, or simply in contacting us, please phone, write or send an email to martin jander.

the translation was done by jeremiah m. riemer (e-mail: jmriemer@earthlink.net).
unwrapping history is a registered trademark (nr. 302 46 332).
jennifer schulze, born 1978 in pritzwalk, is an advertising designer in print and light media. after additional training in desktop publishing, she continues working at her profession.
martin jander, born 1955 in freiburg, is an historian and journalist. after additional training in online editing, he lives and works in berlin as a free-lance writer. you can find out more about his work on the homepage. you can also just send him an e-mail, write to him, or call him at:

unwrapping history, c/o martin jander, damaschkestr.: 43, 10711 berlin, tel.: +49-30-89068014, info@unwrapping-history.com